Monday, March 7, 2011

Maytag Performa Pavt234aww Break

JEWLISTA competition with chains!

participation conditions!

's how
Become a regular Jewlista our blog. here>>
Become a fan of our Facebook Fan Page. here>>
Design an Bloggbericht about our HotHoops name chains - select your favorite model (several models available), they can link you directly to our shop with Preisangabe.Sie controlled use of the photos with the chains from our store. In your blog, you can report, for example, mention what you love just to name chains, the material from which you made Stars are and what you have already seen with chains.
Once you have submitted the complete report, please send us the link of the blog report to . Next
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I personally think the very chic!

Currently we see that many have such a chain, and the name really fit for anything!
Click here for web page

Hampton House Rentals For Prom

the first blog in 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Giantess Voregalleries

One year ago today ...........

and almost to the minute ............, exactly have we got down to the motel Wülferode our PAMI in the arm :-)

This was the photo , in which I was instantly in love when I found it on the internet ........

I had all day, after a "little soul" sought and then found this!

The time that we had to wait for Pami, because she was still in Hungary, was very tough .......... but sometime around ............

These animal protection trip was probably one of the most stressful, as the riders had to cope with many adversities and thereby delayed the arrival of a whole day!!

But then she was there ................... our Pami and we took home with you!
The beginning was not easy because she was very timid and reserved.
All New and noise scared her and we have a lot of patience and a lot more love because it was applied ................, better every day!

But that was a year ago ..................

Last summer, she had then been seized the entire garden ........... ...
Was digging around and started slowly on the house and yard to defend ;-)
We were and are surprised Pami how smart is because they learn incredibly quickly! We have made the dog school in Gehrden a beginners class, then a lunge at the end of a course and Clickerkurs ................

She has many friends, and Mex (45 kg dog) is her great love ;-)

your second great love is her Frisbee disc .........
of it at all Season and always with passion runs after!

Pami is to inspire incredibly fast and know exactly what I mean when I say: "The mother takes .....!"
Then it runs like greased lightning to the front door to greet the Arbeitsfrauchen!!

Every day with her is a great day and if it were a fortune cookie would be on the list:

"is not enough life," said the little butterfly ......
"sunshine, freedom and a small flower also to include ......"

And that's Pami .........., us for our sunshine and our little flower and a lot ........ .. much more !!!!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Homoeopathic Materia Medica Books

~ God Paske & Wohnidee ~

... many little bunnies hopping in the next few days in the ~ Shop ~
In particular, I am pleased to the article that appeared in the latest edition of the residential
idea to me :-) It's a strange feeling
find itself in a magazine.

Once our home no longer looks like a hospital, there is here again to see new things.
Some projects are already waiting and waiting for their completion.
Until then, your loved ones, enjoying the beautiful sunny days and remain healthy in particular!

Much love

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Chalky White Stools In Humans

We are happy about every day ..........

.............. with our Hungarian mice ............. :-)

Without the two, would missing soooooo much ........... eg

Great walks in the woods and fields .................., or fun and games in the garden ........... ....., or laugh attacks when they make stupid!

The two are a "job" for me, without which I would be totally alone and sweeten it to me every day even if they often .................., very are demanding!!

Lara is the more strenuous of the two!
you only hear when she wants, has the most stupid and ne ` lot of wind in your head ............. But it makes me laugh often belonging when I lie on the couch and it is on me and wants to be petted constantly ........... She always looks for my hand and calls for their tender loving consistently ;-)
What is so funny with her, she " babbling" like a Siamese cat ;-) they are constantly at play with Pami , or fight with us "noise" from is ........, that's really funny!
But what sucks is her breed loves if Pami or other dogs do not play the way they want it ............

Pami is the smart of the two!
She learns incredibly fast and listened very well to commands :-)
In Pami we always have the feeling that they "liked" and wants to do everything right. She is incredibly needs harmony and like anything loud ..........., startled at loud noises, they still are.
She is the boss and they indicated from time to time "by posturing" on ............ Then puffed up and she gets a very stern look :-))))))

Käthe in these situations is always silly and trying to appease Pami by play call, what a totally cute drama is!!

We are soooooo happy with our rubber noses and we would swap for anything !!!!! is

the moment just Siesta ..................., the two are together in their giant bowl and kip.
the moment I'm going to also use ............... and me a bit put on the ear ;-)

Because if they are awake, gardening ...............
Today is such a great spring weather and we are in the garden to the fullest :-)

Monday, February 7, 2011

South Park Keeps Buffering

~ Pillow Fight ~

... finally some pictures of my new pillows are made between
dark clouds and a few bright moments quickly
camera ... used to shoot a real challenge in this weather
useful pictures ....

are Painted pillows in bright blue and green shades, just right for
this weather and this season. The small fruits
hike today in the ~ Shop ~ !

I wish you a great start to the week with lots of sunshine!

Thank you for your nice comments and good wishes, I'm feeling
even better!

Much love

Sunday, February 6, 2011

How To Make A Wood Hamper

~ Cupcake ~

... these cupcakes are Amarena sooooo delicious! The recipe I've seen in ~ Yvonne ~ .
And I as I really love this Amarena cherries, they were presented the same this weekend.
But as is so me, me succeed in this "pastry" never on the first try :-)
I just had all the dough into the molds, when I noticed that something was missing ..... SUGAR!
The spoon is abschlickern I then noticed ;-)) For the chocolate cream was similar,
get to be butter
;-) Well, the second time klappts usually like clockwork ;-)

My new stitched works I'll show you next time. Habs still not easy
managed to take pictures.

I wish you all a happy Sunday!

Much love

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Is The Gp1200 Waverunner A Good Buy?

~ Peppermint Milk ~

All Halswehgeplagten ;-) Hot milk with peppermint .... maybe the cough then coming to an end!
I'll get time for a drink!

Otherwise, I enjoy just a day off Geburtstagsshoppen was my favorite man and would like to finish a few new products for the ~ Shop ~ . It is colorful, as far as I can tell you is definitely schonmal .... In all this rain just after me a lot of color, and perhaps attracts the yes cause the warmer temperatures ....

Much love

Sunday, January 30, 2011

What Can I Use To Mastebate

~ Big Pizza ~

... today it was homemade pizza (okay, the dough was from a can ...)
but the rest was even placed on it :-) This pizza is, instead made with a tomato sauce, with a hollandaise sauce. We have taken the fat .... for the good feeling ;-)
Although, actually it's quite healthy it is on it .... vegetables, fish and gaaaaaaanz lots of garlic! The rest we hide from even short .....

Muscatis At the moment I can not go turn over, without having to photograph them. They are really too good!

The rest of Sunday will be spared again, because somehow I'm still not really fit again ....
So feet up and lounge ....

Much love

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Mario Salieri Copertine Film

~ Chocolat & Croissant ~

.... the delicious chocolate I have done a long time ago and was already gone ;-) Today it was for myself and Lilli delicious chocolate croissants and hot cocoa. The roses I had brought with me today by my favorite florist. Since I was once again caught a cold, we make it our home comfortably relaxed. I wish you a great start to the weekend and say goodbye schonmal next week!

Much love