Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Elantra Starter Relay

Walk Through to "A Demon's Day Out"

Hi, people I have given you the walkthrough, to A Demon's Day Out, in German Translation. Look at
use the Walkthrough only if you do not get further.

1 - Level "front of the house"

- Click lower left of the bush
- Click on the frog
- Click the faucet
- Click on the door handle
- and then click again on the door handle

2 - Level "kitchen"

- Click on the door opening in the left part of the picture
- Click on the dog bowl
- Click on the sink
- Click on the yellow
Dish - Click in the closet, which is located a little further to the right.
- Click on the yellow box
- Click on the knife on the table
- Click on the bottle of hot sauce
- then click again on the yellow box
- and finally, click on the dog

3 - Level "living room"

- Click on the box with a litter
- Click on the red ball
- Click on the blue dish with the snacks
- then click again on the ball
- Click on the tree, near the cat
- Now click on the hanging rope
- and then click on the cat

4 - Level "1st floor"

- Click on the image
- then click on the vase
- Click on the floor before the table
- Click on the key
- and then on the keyhole
- To aufzubekommen the tray, you have to choose colors in the code lock,
that are not in the picture.
first Upper disc: Yellow
second Middle: Pink
third Lower: White

5 - Level "bedroom"

- Click on the door to the closet
- Click on the wrench
- Click on the tube on the ceiling
- Click on the orange extension cord
- Click on the outlet
- Click 2 times on the Alarm
- Click on the puddle
- and then again at the clock

Have fun solving the puzzles. Just look at the walkthrough, if you do not get further.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Natural Wagina Picures

Online Games - Walkthroughs

Hi, I hereby offer you people. At various games to make your own walk-throughs. Send your videos info@fettspielen.de with the subject "Walk Through".

We will look at your videos and publish good content, here in our blog.

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