Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Elantra Starter Relay

Walk Through to "A Demon's Day Out"

Hi, people I have given you the walkthrough, to A Demon's Day Out, in German Translation. Look at
use the Walkthrough only if you do not get further.

1 - Level "front of the house"

- Click lower left of the bush
- Click on the frog
- Click the faucet
- Click on the door handle
- and then click again on the door handle

2 - Level "kitchen"

- Click on the door opening in the left part of the picture
- Click on the dog bowl
- Click on the sink
- Click on the yellow
Dish - Click in the closet, which is located a little further to the right.
- Click on the yellow box
- Click on the knife on the table
- Click on the bottle of hot sauce
- then click again on the yellow box
- and finally, click on the dog

3 - Level "living room"

- Click on the box with a litter
- Click on the red ball
- Click on the blue dish with the snacks
- then click again on the ball
- Click on the tree, near the cat
- Now click on the hanging rope
- and then click on the cat

4 - Level "1st floor"

- Click on the image
- then click on the vase
- Click on the floor before the table
- Click on the key
- and then on the keyhole
- To aufzubekommen the tray, you have to choose colors in the code lock,
that are not in the picture.
first Upper disc: Yellow
second Middle: Pink
third Lower: White

5 - Level "bedroom"

- Click on the door to the closet
- Click on the wrench
- Click on the tube on the ceiling
- Click on the orange extension cord
- Click on the outlet
- Click 2 times on the Alarm
- Click on the puddle
- and then again at the clock

Have fun solving the puzzles. Just look at the walkthrough, if you do not get further.


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