Thursday, December 16, 2010

Big Booty Pinky's Best

Merry Christmas donation for heart for dogs Hungary eV

The Arbeitsfrauchen has raised money on the work .......... for the initiative

"Heart for Hungary Dog"

............ and yesterday evening was the presentation of the donation box at Elviera Reusch, the chairman of this great club.

A great idea and a great design for the rubber noses in Hungary ............

In this .................. by me bebastelten Box ............................................ were at the end € 152.70!

us this is just SPCA ........., particular concern for several reasons:

first We have two rubber lugs (Pami & Kate), by these animal rights activists rescued and taken to Germany.
second We are the people we know personally from that club have learned, very nice.
third We have taken the dogs Hungary September meeting, many other dog owners happy with their Hungarian dogs.
4th In addition, we were allowed to meet at this very meeting, Andrea (the animal shelter manager) and 4 other Hungarian animal rights activists and see how great was the joy of reunion between man and dog!
5th Even over the teaching of our two dogs out, is Elviera (Chairman of the Association) continue to contact us and we will remain for her hard work "for cause" simply amazing!
6th This association is, in our opinion, totally "transparent", which is an interested person makes it easy to gain confidence.

And so, we very, very easy ............... and we have made this action total for a club like .........., we know . out

And out of this good experience, I would ask everyone who reads this blog, look at the homepage of this initiative at:


are still desperately looking for foster homes for these animals ....................

So we did it with our Kathe also ..............., first foster home .............. .., now permanent member of the family ;-)

We do miss our Hungarian mice not because they are socially acceptable and totally devoted!
also are firm in our small family / pack ...............


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