Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Cell Respiration Ap Questions

Klorollenparty ;-)

Today we did a really great ........... Klorollenparty

Was that a joke, with the many, many short and long cardboard tubes and ......... were above all with the empty cardboard egg ;-)

The two are completely out when I've thrown several roles in the air! When the weather is what you have to come up with ..........

between we have a little fashion show for the new hat - made autumn fashion ;-)
Pami I find this a real "Huttyp" :-) is

She was sooooo busy and destruction in their delusion that they, the new head covering at all has not disrupted.

The two views could be right out of the sow and have done it too and enjoyed fully!!

But at some point goes to the end of every party time ...............

I have after all the shredded cardboard and egg rolls were to collect and dispose of all sat :-(

But it was fun and our Hungarian mice had for a long time fun :-) .......... and I also!

here have for you an appointment that you should definitely subscribe to a calendar have:

flea market on the dog (playing) space on Benther mountain

On Sunday, 31.10.2010, from 11.00 clock will take place on the dog a flea market. If you are interested to build up a booth can be up no later than 17.10. Report ......... Here is the link ........

The service fee is for private sellers EUR 5.00 (EUR 10.00 for others) and "life-saving dogs eV" is a 100% interest in animal protection organization donated.

I will remember for a upcoming blog entries at this event ;-)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Iphone Pokemon Emerald 386 Source

autumn weather :-(

it raining the whole morning and our Puschinskys (Pami & Kate) not want to go out there ..........

pleasurable time together on their favorite chair and look expectantly at me!
When I could stop the incessant rain .................

Kitty snuggles up right now in the ceiling and enjoy the peace and quiet in the house!
your night was also briefly .........., just like mine!

For Pami has tonight the "guard" dog play!
It has helped us consistently through their frequent barking, nervous kept alive!
no idea what our "first born" ;-) heard outside in the garden has .........
is constantly barking growl and jumped out of her basket and wanted the house and its inhabitants ........, defend against the monsters lurking in the garden!

The Arbeitsfrauchen has as always do with them :-(

I get only Käthe I was totally annoyed by her terror!
At about 4:00 clock in the night I had to swear on their short and Pami Send a sleeper!
where she then laid with much grumbling and growling at last to rest ..........
But my night was almost over, because I can go back to sleep poorly when I was awakened Sun !!

Both are just woke up and apparently expect that now I care for really great, fun-filled action ..................
So I opened the balcony door and had what they both see .......... RAIN!

So, neither of them wanted to go out there ................
I have to honestly say that I am a little under the pressure that ..........., the expectations of the Hungarian mice! But it must also give times a day that turns quiet for the two and where the expectation is disappointed.
After this blog post I'm first a bit budget ........ and suck some more.
Perhaps our rubber noses help me ;-)
And if we're lucky, this heavy rain will be over soon and we can then still in the fields and meadows of Weetzen unsafe?

Friday, September 24, 2010

Maximus Ii Formula übertakten Q9550

Kathe real pig ;-)

In the truest sense ........... of the word!

This ugly pink part has Käthe loved like crazy ......., it is now dead ;-(
deaths in their "catches "................. ... a cruel death by suffocation !

I've now done the work and times googled .............. , after " unbreakable " dog toys and have become not really find it!

play here in part from real drama when it comes to toys for our Hungarian mice go!
Everything is destroyed, what they get between her legs ............... as the rubber cock, balls, Frisbiescheiben , Ziehtaue, Game Tunnel, Quietschspielzeuge , socks, old T-shirts and, more recently, with preference rug corners!

showed itself a little wide in desperation us because we are not really a toy that can withstand the playfulness of our distinctive Puschinskys ( Pami & Käthe )!
I cut already hazelnut branches in neighbor's garden for the two to chew on and they also find the class, but that is not for indoors ..............

the KONG and the likes we've also had the ........., but for our "fighting dogs" is not really interesting ......

So I am now (like almost every time), keep shopping for dog toys out for ..........

Maybe even someone of you have any suggestions regarding indestructible dog toy for us? Then leave in the comments a link where we can find this toy ............

We are here for any tip very, very grateful ;-)

Now a word about the soon Herran approaching holidays ...... .......................... Advent and Christmas are "as it were" as good as before the soon-covered door!
And the dear little pets should then also formally "dressed" to be or .........,?

That would be one of the possibilities for a "Successful performance "............. !

people ........, this is a joke! The red socks with the ...., because we would choose green ;-))))))))

I do not know who belongs to this poor dachshund, but looks funny ......., but he made the poor sausage!

So, I gotta go ............. Dog Toys Now!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Bearded Dragons Ear Labeled

Running the Wachau

On the Line at km37:
Hannah and I are taking part in the Wachau Marathon 19/09/2010 and finish the race with a 4:24: xx life for the 42.2 km. We are proud of this achievement, we still have 10 weeks training intensively for it. Although still hurts me today, every muscle in your legs (Hannah's already there is something better), we are the first Marathonisti the family - and everyone is delighted with us. Cheerio - in thinking about this run, I smile a little because it makes me really happy - are probably leftover endorphins.
... and then in the target

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Drivers License Template For Car Birthday Party

First Meeting 09/18/2010 Hungary Pet

What a beautiful day ............, for dogs and humans!
Andrea (shelter director from Hungary), who arrived was extra with her daughter, the son and the former animal shelter director Eva and I think it is great fun for Hungary, "he was" ;-), their former students to see again! !

Käthe (formerly Berkenye , meaning "little bay" means) has, Andrea and the other Hungary welcomes stormy and we believe that Kathe all immediately recognized again!
Pami was right again shy and reserved (as it is always in humans), but they could at least show Andrea that consists of a small, completely scared dog, has become a more open, confident little dog is ........... :-)

For Pami and Käthe the place of the meeting was indeed a "home game" for the "dog playground on Benther mountain", we are 2 times a week (plus the courses we visit there with the two)! There has Pami learned all they can today ............ ;-)

course there was (as usual on such occasions) a speech, thanked the Allen was, that contributed to the success of this meeting (including Christiane tenant space, which made this great space available)!

Andrea was also a donation of 500 € for upcoming castration of Elviera (Chairman of the "Heart for Hungary Dog eV ') hands.

For us, it take "an experience" to Andrea ............
And it was just a great joy to see her and the other in dealing with their former charges! Andrea has actually recognized each dog again .................. and there were at least 25 of them!

I think that it was truly a great day!
was among the dogs there are no "significant incidents "............ ;-) And everything was relaxed.

Pami was so relaxed, she is in between fallen asleep on the field ;-)
We sat next to her on course tühlen garden and have fresh grilled original Thuringian bratwurst was delicious eaten ........, !

It was too much to eat there .............
Lots of meat and sausage salad .........., ........... and coffee and cake! In any case, determined no one went hungry from the place!!

4 so we are driven to 2:30 clock home .......... Since we were from morning 9:30 clock there, we were all frozen quite a bit broken and through!

Now again THANK YOU for such a great day and we hope that this next is repeated year !!!!!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Is A Military Invocation Legal

Kathe `s adoption ;-)

Käthe is now officially one of us, because we have finally turned a foster home one for the mouse ;-) and are super happy with our decision!
Our RA - Käthe is a totally different caliber of our Pami , but we will still get this little monster has been tamed ":-)

The most important thing that our Hungarian mice feel good and always get enough love, but also education, as demonstrated by Kathe as designed a little more difficult ......... ( Terrier ).

(The Terrier: To care is not much to say. Trimming is not necessary, and brushed, the Terrier only occasionally in the direction of growth factors to some is the attitude: A house with large garden and a fairly fine flower beds ( Buddelleidenschaft !) condition for a life with the German T ERRI . He needs exercise, movement, employment and must be educated absolutely consistent and energetic. Even then he is not always obedient .).................... found Wikipedia .

The fee for Lara is to the organization "Heart for Hungary dogs" and referred the papers we received on Saturday.

For the next Saturday (18 September 2010) is a great day ..............
Because then held the first "heart dogs meeting for Hungary" on the Hundespielpatz on Benther mountain!
There are even employees from the shelter of Esztergom, Hungary .......... vorran and Allen, Andrea, the shelter manager.
We are really into this event and all the hubbub with the many dogs and people!
I'm starting at 7 clock to be on the pitch and the construction of which is also always help.
from 9:30 clock begins so early in the meeting and then the Arbeitsfrauchen with our Puschinskys ( Pami & Käthe ) appear on the pitch and we are curious if the two, people out of their old home ........... and who have saved their lives, recognize?

It is grilled ........... and there is coffee and cake and also provides a lot of fun with the many, many feet ...........

For Andrea and her staff this must indeed be a big thing to see all the dogs again, having made its way to Germany!
And I am personally very excited about this woman who ngagiert so strongly for these animals and to e !

I will of course of the meeting ! Report

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Request A Free Evening Dress Catalog

The wild five minutes

Do you know this .........

rest 5 minutes a day our dogs out perfect!

They run like crazy and a breakneck speed through the garden, running everything and everyone around, boarded without regard to losses by hedges and bushes, over hill and dale ....... Make
defying somersaults, baring his teeth in rage as killer .....
Verbeisen into balls ..... Trees and though they may in legs .......... :-)

To then again for 23 hours and 55 minutes on "normal" pets to mutate .........

In these 5 minutes, which occur several times during our two day lawn Pami and Kitty in the garden with great sadness birches along ...................
Without any "view", because the foliage has hung just too tight and too low on the ground.

I have changed today ...........

Today I pruned the branches of the birch, so our Puschinskys (Pami and Kate), also have a clear view under the trees ............

Often we have feared, if the two of us "crashed" the insane through the garden and the trees are along ......
Every time we were afraid that one of two or even Both ........, against a tribe of ancient birch run and would hurt this place! Terrible idea ......... !

Now the race track released again because all harassment (low-hanging branches) away ;-)

free path under the birches to 35 cm high ..........., the should be enough!

What one does not do everything possible to provide a safe home ;-)