Saturday, September 18, 2010

Drivers License Template For Car Birthday Party

First Meeting 09/18/2010 Hungary Pet

What a beautiful day ............, for dogs and humans!
Andrea (shelter director from Hungary), who arrived was extra with her daughter, the son and the former animal shelter director Eva and I think it is great fun for Hungary, "he was" ;-), their former students to see again! !

Käthe (formerly Berkenye , meaning "little bay" means) has, Andrea and the other Hungary welcomes stormy and we believe that Kathe all immediately recognized again!
Pami was right again shy and reserved (as it is always in humans), but they could at least show Andrea that consists of a small, completely scared dog, has become a more open, confident little dog is ........... :-)

For Pami and Käthe the place of the meeting was indeed a "home game" for the "dog playground on Benther mountain", we are 2 times a week (plus the courses we visit there with the two)! There has Pami learned all they can today ............ ;-)

course there was (as usual on such occasions) a speech, thanked the Allen was, that contributed to the success of this meeting (including Christiane tenant space, which made this great space available)!

Andrea was also a donation of 500 € for upcoming castration of Elviera (Chairman of the "Heart for Hungary Dog eV ') hands.

For us, it take "an experience" to Andrea ............
And it was just a great joy to see her and the other in dealing with their former charges! Andrea has actually recognized each dog again .................. and there were at least 25 of them!

I think that it was truly a great day!
was among the dogs there are no "significant incidents "............ ;-) And everything was relaxed.

Pami was so relaxed, she is in between fallen asleep on the field ;-)
We sat next to her on course tühlen garden and have fresh grilled original Thuringian bratwurst was delicious eaten ........, !

It was too much to eat there .............
Lots of meat and sausage salad .........., ........... and coffee and cake! In any case, determined no one went hungry from the place!!

4 so we are driven to 2:30 clock home .......... Since we were from morning 9:30 clock there, we were all frozen quite a bit broken and through!

Now again THANK YOU for such a great day and we hope that this next is repeated year !!!!!!


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