Saturday, October 9, 2010

Filing An Estate In Indiana


............. is run!

And although this Frisbee behind razor ................., how!

the Longe the course has made it, it has only because of the legwork made so happy ............ !

now and then, if the current rate Longe is an open space, Pami may still be there and I note that, although they still like and correct quickly passes through the circle, but only in the direction of their favorite ;-)

I can do what I want and in Futterdummie God knows what ..........., Pami is always right around .............

Now we will build the lunge circle in the garden and practice the running in the opposite direction!
but we laugh most of the sounds that Pami makes when the Frisbee is not quickly get enough! Then she growled while moving very dangerous, as if to intimidate the disc and it would therefore change their flight path ;-)
our mouse for hours would run after the flying object and never get their little rubber nose full of them ..... ........

We mean Pami anyway very well developed and just recently again a real leap in "obedience" has made!
really great to hear you learned the commands and converts them incredibly fast around :-)

We also observe that it is a very good leader for Käthe !
If Käthe again after Pamis opinion goes too far, is Pami not loud or bitchy Käthe over ............

No. .........., Pami plays a dominant posture, there is no peep of Kate and looks only with a very determined look. Their movements are slow and in my opinion do these slow movements very impressive!
Käthe know then very quickly it has gone too far and placated by "invitation to play ".................
ago Not so long ago this situation would have made me scared because I have no idea of "communication dogs" had, today I learned a lot!

Have I missed on the dog ( game ) space Christiane ( dog trainer ), for instance, that may sound playing and romping dogs very noisy and dangerous, but it no harm must happen!
We have learned to appreciate what is serious and what to play and the "man" is not equal to intervene in any situation, but closely monitored what the pets so in dealing with its kind pushing.
And since we are very proud of our two Hungary .............., because they have never done this before with other four-legged stress!


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