Saturday, October 2, 2010

Usb Dongle For Wheelchair

passion killer - Käthe

There is mourning the deaths fourth ...............

Käthe "kills" incredibly happy mice ............ And Arbeitsfrauchen comes with pity ,...... with all mice this world ;-) .................. soon to!

Can not imagine that is in this cute little puppy a killer :-)))))

I'm getting used to it, I am confronted daily with its hunting instinct and "the best" must make it! The important thing is simply that the mouse is really dead and torture must not be!

you I think this drive is not .........., but nature!
The more I mice in the wild experience, the more I am convinced that the mouse is stupid in itself!!

....., Ehrlich rather than as fast as they take their little paws , the distance look ...............
No, because they fall into a kind of rigidity and resulting cruel to her much, but thankfully swift end!

But there is also the one - or other clever little mouse ;-)

Yesterday I experienced one in the field, the middle has played on the dirt road a 'clump of earth "by quietly sitting with a rounded back is left! And with success, for Pami and Käthe have walked past her and I have also only noticed when she moves and is cut off.
That was totally cute ..............., maybe it was yes An American Tail Fievel (in my opinion, the only mouse with brains)!

But mice seem at the very end of the food chain, otherwise had Kathe when not hunt these high "hit rate" and I do not work to dispose of the dead mouse!
Käthe has for my waste of freshly caught food "no understanding and is always really angry when I, take away the dead mouse!

The Arbeitsfrauchen has "spoken" already Käthe about it and told her that these little mice but also family, or children waiting ............, or any other obligations ............... :-)))))))
I swear to pursue this conversation was the screamer !!!!!! So I ask myself teaching in Walldorf schools ;-)

I'm no illusions that has borne fruit this conversation and understand that I will continue to draw, dead mice from Kitty's throat must .. .............. :-(


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