Monday, October 4, 2010

Physics Of Distracted Drivers

The 10 lies of men who should know every woman!


I have compiled a list of the lies that probably every woman will hear more than once. Of course they do not apply to any man.
Have fun reading!

first "I count on a woman's inside ..."
Almost any man is the appearance of his girlfriend absolutely do not care. However, it is
is taken different from man to man as much on it.

second "I had about 100 women ..."
As we all know men like to brag about with their women's stories. All of them dare to
is not ...

third "I have to stay longer in the office tonight."
is of course In most cases, no lie, but is very fond of the men
used to in the evening to meet the dude, not the friend to give the
feeling of being neglected.

4th "That I'll do tomorrow."
The well-known problem. The budget is to do something and the woman has already
plowed all day. The man wants to move the work to the next day
. One can almost be sure that you will hear the same phrase at
following day.

5th (The clothes shop) "Yes darling, the blouse looks great!"
must of course be no lie, but when shopping with the wife is the
goal of most men as quickly as possible to be back home watching TV to
. So you picked up at most shopping still a second opinion.

6th "I was drinking a beer ..."
the man has too much to drink this often ends in an argument. This lie is
often used to avoid this.

7th "The fuel is sufficient at most for 2 kilometers."
The prejudice that women can not drive a car is still firmly anchored in the minds of most men
. The men are often even willing to lie to
the woman to keep them out of his car.

8th "I'll call you!"
you rely on it not ...

9th "I could never do with what a younger ..."
Most men, the age does not matter. Whether younger or older
is exactly the same as long as everything fits.

10th "No, we must not sleep together. Cuddling is nice too ..."
In many cases, a lie ;-)

Show your friends and the friends!


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